Public Schools in PARON AR
[See Also:
Private Schools in PARON AR]
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District: PARON
22265 HWY 9
PARON AR 72122-9539
22265 HWY 9
PARON AR 72122-9539
Phone: (501) 594-5622
County: SALINE
Type: Public Primary School in Rural Area (pop. less than 2500)
Grades: K to 6
Students: 148
Full-time Teachers: 11
Student/Teacher Ratio: 14
$name = $_GET['name']; // keywords to look up
$dist = $_GET['dist']; // keywords to look up
$city = $_GET['city']; // keywords to look up
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$city school district"); // turn keywords into array
$srch1 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$name $city"); // turn keywords into array
$srch2 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$dist $city"); // turn keywords into array
$srch3 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$city"); // turn keywords into array
$locn = strtolower(implode ("-", $temp)); // keywords w/ - for link
$link = "$locn.html";
$link = "LINK: Private Schools in $city";
$link2 = "$locn.html";
$link2 = "LINK: Colleges in $city";
District: PARON
22265 HWY 9
PARON AR 72122-9539
22265 HWY 9
PARON AR 72122-9539
Phone: (501) 594-5391
County: SALINE
Type: Public High School in Rural Area (pop. less than 2500)
Grades: 7 to 12
Students: 125
Full-time Teachers: 10
Student/Teacher Ratio: 13
$name = $_GET['name']; // keywords to look up
$dist = $_GET['dist']; // keywords to look up
$city = $_GET['city']; // keywords to look up
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$city school district"); // turn keywords into array
$srch1 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$name $city"); // turn keywords into array
$srch2 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$dist $city"); // turn keywords into array
$srch3 = strtolower(implode ("+", $temp)); // keywords w/ + for searches
$temp = preg_split ("/[\- ]/", "$city"); // turn keywords into array
$locn = strtolower(implode ("-", $temp)); // keywords w/ - for link
$link = "$locn.html";
$link = "LINK: Private Schools in $city";
$link2 = "$locn.html";
$link2 = "LINK: Colleges in $city";
Nearby Cities
Distance from PARON AR to HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE AR: 15.3 miles SW
Distance from PARON AR to PERRYVILLE AR: 16.2 miles N
Distance from PARON AR to BENTON AR: 17.4 miles SE
Distance from PARON AR to MAUMELLE AR: 18.1 miles E
Distance from PARON AR to BRYANT AR: 19.6 miles SE
Distance from PARON AR to HOT SPRINGS AR: 25.1 miles SW
Distance from PARON AR to MORRILTON AR: 26.1 miles N
Distance from PARON AR to LITTLE ROCK AR: 26.7 miles E
Distance from PARON AR to NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR: 27.9 miles E
Distance from PARON AR to CONWAY AR: 28.2 miles NE
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